Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Kenyataan Media

Muslim Professional Network

Rabu: 14 Mac 2012




YB Dato' Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia telah menangguhkan perlaksanaan 1Care. Beliau menegaskan bahawa 1Care masih lagi dalam bentuk kertas dasar dan masih belum ada kertas perlaksanaan (blueprint) yang sebenar sehinggalah beberapa kajian terbaru mengenainya dijalankan. Kenyataan kedua beliau pada 10 Mac pula sedikit bercanggah apabila beliau menegaskan bahawa pihak Kementerian Kesihatan akan meneruskan sesi penerangan mengenai 1Care kepada masyarakat.


Kami rakyat Malaysia sedikit keliru. Jika sekiranya perlaksanaan 1Care ditangguhkan, kenapa perlu pihak Kementerian Kesihatan membuat penerangan? Biasanya sesi penerangan perlu dibuat apabila sesuatu perkara telah siap dan hendak dilaksanakan. Pertemuan dengan masyarakat adalah untuk mendapatkan pandangan orang ramai sahaja dan menambahbaik sesuatu program yang hendak diaplikasikan. Adalah agak ganjil bila di satu sisi Menteri Kesihatan mengumumkan tangguh, tetapi disatu sisi lagi sibuk pula memberi penerangan tentang pelaksanaan 1care.


Walaubagaimanapun, Jaringan Profesional Muslim (MPN) pada dasarnya menggesa agar satu reformasi berhikmah dilakukan ke atas sistem kesihatan yang sedia ada. Negara memerlukan pembaharuan ini kerana situasi semasa dan ketidak seimbangan masyarakat dalam mendapatkan perkhidmatan kesihatan yang terbaik. Sistem kesihatan yang ada sekarang memperlihatkan bahawa golongan miskin akan terus tersisih daripada mendapatkan perkhidmatan kesihatan yang optimum. Golongan kaya terus bebas memilih kaedah yang terbaik dan tercanggih kerana kedudukan sosio-ekonomi mereka yang stabil.


Sistem yang sedia ada sekarang adalah rentetan dari sistem yang diamalkan sejak sebelum merdeka. Sistem ini tidak mengutamakan kebajikan kesihatan kepada rakyat awam. Cuba kita bayangkan si miskin akan mendapat rawatan kesihatan dari hospital/klinik kerajaan kerana pembayaran yang minima. Namun kualitinya juga minima kerana ubat yang digunakan kebanyakannya adalah ubat-ubatan generik dan pesakit pula terpaksa menunggu sekian lama. Tarikh temujanji pula biasanya berbulan-bulan dan suasana klinik juga tidak ceria. Situasi ini dibebankan lagi dengan perpindahan tenaga pakar dari sektor kerajaan ke sektor swasta. Golongan berpendapatan rendah sukar untuk mendapatkan rawatan pakar di sektor swasta kerana kedudukan sosio-ekonomi mereka yang menghalangnya. Lantas mereka pasrah dengan apa yang ada.


Tidak dinafikan kos perkhidmatan kesihatan di sektor swasta lebih tinggi berbanding dengan sektor kerajaan. Tiada mekanisma khusus bagi mengurangkan jurang yang agak dalam ini. Sesetengah dari golongan pertengahan masyarakat akan mengambil insuran kesihatan, namun kajian menunjukkan bahawa kurang dari 10 peratus daripada mereka mengambilnya.


Karenah birokrasi sistem rujukan juga menjadi halangan kepada golongan berpendapatan rendah. Hospital atau klinik kerajaan tidak akan merujuk pesakit mereka ke sektor swasta. Benar, hospital kerajaan mempunyai pakar, tapi tarikh temujanji untuk bertemu pakar biasanya adalah terlalu lama, sehinggakan pesakit yang diberi temujanji boleh mati dahulu sebelum tarikh temujanji tiba.

Jaringan Profesional Muslim menyarankan Pakatan Rakyat mengambil kira reformasi kesihatan ini secara serius setelah memenangi pilihanraya ke 13 nanti. Diantara cadangan yang Pakatan Rakyat boleh pertimbangkan dalam manisfesto mereka adalah:

1.      Mengurangkan jurang perbezaan antara sektor swasta dan kerajaan.

2.      Mewujudkan perhubungan dua hala yang sihat antara sektor swasta dan kerajaan.

3.      Memberi peluang kepada golongan berpendapatan rendah untuk mendapatkan rawatan kesihatan secara optimum dengan kos minima samada melalui sektor swasta atau kerajaan. Satu mekanisma khas perlu diwujudkan bagi menangani masalah ini.

4.      Mengelakkan berlakunya penghijrahan tenaga mahir (Brain Drain) ke sektor swasta dengan pemberian insentif-insentif  tertentu.

5.      Mewujudkan mekanisma khusus bagi mempercepatkan tarikh temujanji pakar untuk kes-kes yang serius.

6.      Rakyat diberi hak mendapatkan kaedah perawatan yang terbaik bagi mereka.


Jaringan Profesional Muslim memberi sepenuh kepercayaan kepada Pakatan Rakyat dalam menentukan nasib masa depan kesihatan rakyat ke arah yang lebih cemerlang. Kita sudah serik dengan kegagalan yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Kerajaan Umno/BN yang memerintah lebih dari 50 tahun. Ini berpunca daripada budaya tidak sihat yang berlegar dalam Kerajaan Umno/BN, di mana mereka sudah hilang keupayaan mentadbir-urus dengan baik, tidak mampu menunjukkan contoh yang terpuji dalam pembahagian projek-projek negara, pembaziran kewangan yang melanda, rasuah yang bermaharajalela serta pelbagai kudis-kudis lain yang menghodohkan lagi wajah kerajaan UMNO/BN.



Dr Wan Shah Jihan Wan Din

Sulaiman Ahklakan

Dr Ghazali Hasbullah

Muslim Professional Network



Media Statement

Muslim Professional Network

Wednesday: 14 Mac 2012



Recently, our Honorary Health Minister, Dato ' Seri Liow Tiong Lai announced that the much talked 1Care health reform will not be implemented in the near future. He asserted that the so called blueprint of this health reform is still in the early stages of development and still needs an in depth study to make it a reality. This happen after a strings of protest from all level of Malaysian citizen who feel that this new scheme will severely short-changed them in their basic needs of health.

Unfortunately, on the 10th of March, he made another statement that show as if the blueprint is already there and his ministry will continue with the information dissemination process to the rakyat. We are confused as why do they need to do the information rally all over the country if even the blueprint is not ready yet. Do their real intention are to gather information and feedback from the rakyat? Normally, information rally will only be done once it is ready to be implemented and not during the premature stage of the blue print building process.

However, we, from Muslim Professional Network strongly feel that a more responsible reform be done and be champion by our national leadership. We do feel that our current system is in dire needs of a reform in view of growing disparity of the quality of health service that is made available to the rakyat. The poor will never be able to get the best service in the health service that is considers a luxury nowadays that is only available to the rich. They also will never be able to effort the luxury to choose what they want in their health care in view of the high prices of the service that is available I the private health provider.

The current system should be scraped as soon as possible in view of this disparity that obviously does not do justice to the majority of the rakyat. It is a fact that with the cheap health service that is currently available in government sector, the rakyat will only be able to receive a lower quality of medication available and obviously a lower quality of service in general in terms of facilities and amenities that is available.

Not to mention the long waiting list that the rakyat need to endure in the government service. They need to wait even though they are actually can't effort to wait just because they don't have the money to get a faster service.

Once again the issue here is the high prices of the service available in the private that is not being control properly and obviously will never be made available to the majority of the rakyat. Only 10% of the middle income group in Malaysia cans effort the health insurance to cover them in private sector. The bureaucracy behind the referral process, make it almost impossible for the public health service to refer their case to the private.

Yes, we do know that there are specialists in the public service too but the waiting list to see them is long and the burden of their work is too big for them to give an efficient service to everyone. This end up the majority of the patient only be seen by the junior doctor that may be not competent enough to manage the case. To make matter worst, some of them died even before they manage to be seen by the specialist due to the long queue in getting the service.

Therefore, we strongly believe that Pakatan Rakyat should take the initiative in the health reform seriously once they win the General Election 13 later. A few ideas can be bring upon as part of their reform manifesto namely:

1.      To reduce the big gap in term of service affordability
2.      To built healthy working partnership between government and private service
3.      To give the chance for the poor to get the best out of both sectors.
4.      A special mechanism should be created to handle this disparity
5.      To reduce the brain drain from government to private sectors by giving a special incentive.
6.      To create a mechanism that can dramatically reduce the waiting time in public sector as well as private sector.

We give our full faith to Pakatan Rakyat to steer us to a better health service in the future and we are confident that Pakatan Rakyat can do this. We are tired of the failure of our current government who fail to do this after more than 50 years of governing. It tells us that current government will never be competent enough to change to the better but only to the worst.

They fail to control the system from the start causing the gap becomes bigger and bigger. They fail to realize the real aspiration of the rakyat who want a fair system to everyone.

Pakatan Rakyat- we do hope that you can do better.


With regards,

Dr Wan Shah Jihan Wan Din

Sulaiman Akhlakan

Dr Ghazali Hasbullah

Muslim Professional Network


Pengerusi Lajnah Pekerja dan Profesional Muda Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia sesi 2010-2012. Website:http://drghazalihasbullah.blogspot.com/


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